Captain Morgan -
Live Like The Captain



One of the main challenges we faced was creating an engaging and compelling campaign that would attract fans of Captain Morgan rum. With so much competition in the market, it was important for us to come up with an idea that would stand out and truly capture the spirit of the brand. The goal of the campaign was to connect with the target audience and encourage them to "Live like the Captain", bringing the brand to life in an authentic and meaningful way. To achieve this, we needed to come up with a campaign that would be both engaging and true to the brand's history and theme.


We came up with an interactive online campaign that allowed fans to explore 18th century Port Royal, charm a countess, and join the Captain’s crew. We were responsible for managing and producing the entire project, as well as coordinating the distribution for this fantastic online adventure.


The campaign was successful in attracting fans of Captain Morgan rum through an engaging and immersive online experience that tied in with the brand's history and theme.


Cabinet Office - COVID Vaccine Misinformation Toolkit


Hackney Empire/The White Rose Foundation - Compulsory Subjects